Syllabus for Section 002 (MWF at 11:00 a.m.)

Sylabus for Section 003 (Paragould)

Lecture Slides


Course Objectives:

(1) To achieve an understanding of fundamental principles of economics such as opportunity cost, the law of demand, and comparative advantage; (2) to obtain familiarity with basic measures of aggregate economic activity such as gross domestic product, the unemployment rate, and the money supply; (3) to comprehend the essential features of the principal (competing) theories of  aggregate output (or income) and employment, inflation, exchange rates and the balance of trade; and (4) to appreciate the link between macroeconomic theory and policy.

Text: McConnell, Brue, and Flynn. Macroeconomics, 19th edition (Loose Leaf plus CONNECT access), New York: McGraw Hill Irwin. ISBN: 0077337816.

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Course updates, April 9, 2014

  1. The Third Examination is now scheduled for Friday, April 11. Students will be responsible for material in Chapters 9 (pp. 179-189 only), 10, and 11,of the McConnell and Brue text. Please bring a #2 lead pencil, a calculator, and your student ID.