Arkansas State University
Department of Chemistry
and Physics
Study Guide - Exam 4
Electronic and Atomic Structure 

Students should know the following:

a) Thomson's experiment; Rutherford's experiment; Chadwick's
experiment; Millikan Oil drop experiment

b) Electromagnetic radiation; electromagnetic spectrum; visible spectrum; energy-frequency-wavelength relationship; Line spectrum/ continuous spectrum

c) Hydrogen emission spectrum; Balmer, Lyman, Paschen, Brackett, Pfund; Rydberg's
equation; Bohr atom

d) DeBroglie; Schrodinger, Wave equation; Gerlach-Stern experiment

e) Quantum numbers; Hund's Rule, Pauli Exclusion Principle

f) Electronic configuration; Aufbau Principle; abbreviated electronic configuration;
Valence electrons

g) Energy diagram; magnetic properties

h) Shapes of orbitals

i) Classification of elements based on electronic configuration

j) Atomic size; ionic size; electronic configuration of ions; ionization energy; electron