Arkansas State University 
Department of Chemistry
and Physics
Exam 5

CHEM2004     Name_______________________
Exam 5     Fall 2005

1. Fill in the blank with the element that bests fits.  (2 points each)

a)  found in sulfite oxidase    ________________________

b)  metal in myoglobin     ________________________

c)  vitamin B12        ________________________

d)   itai itai       ________________________

e)  insulin metabolism     ________________________

f)  arthritis treatment     ________________________

g)  first cancer treatment      ________________________

h)  associated with Alzheimer’s    ________________________

i)  found in blue blood     ________________________

j) essential for every species but blue-green algae ________________________

k)  metal in hemoglobin     ________________________

l)  accumulates in green algae    ________________________

m)  bioaccumulates in sea squirts   ________________________

n)  important for cell walls, blood clotting  ________________________

o)  RNA, DNA      ________________________

p)  metallothionein        ________________________

q)  Mad Hatter’s disease      ________________________

r)  photosynthesis      ________________________

s)  essential for skeletal development in chicks ________________________

t)  energy of the body     ________________________

2. Fill in the blanks.  (2 points each)

a)  List the three types of Fe/S proteins  _______________________

b)  The most commonly used HDS catalyst   _______________________

c)  The best HDS catalyst    _______________________

d)  List 3 types of sulfur in coal   _______________________

e)  another name for a Lewis base   _______________________

f)  another name for a ligand   _______________________

3. For each process below, give the reactant(s), metal(s) used in the catalyst and product(s).  (12 points)
Process Reactant(s)  Metal(s)  Product(s)

4. Describe the hydrodesulfurization process in terms of reactants, products and reaction conditions. (6 points)

5. Actinides and Lanthanides.  Fill in the blanks.  (2 points each)

a)  List the two common mineral sources of lanthanides

b)  used to make lighter flints with Mg    _______________________

c)  most common oxidation state for Ln  _______________________

d)  oxide used to coat self-cleaning ovens   _______________________

e)  list the three actinides that are not man-made _______________________

6.  What characteristic of an element makes it a good ligand? (2 points)

7.  What is a pseudohalide?  Give an example.  (4 points)