Publication List

[J]: Journal, [C]: Conference, [W]: Workshop, [P]: Poster


  1. [P] Yeojin Jung, Namkyeong Kim, and Donghoon Kim, "Using Machine Learning to Predict Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Phenotypes," Undergraduate Research Posters at Arkansas State Capitol, February 2025
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  2. [C] Donghoon Kim, Andrew Booth, and Doosung Hwang "An Empirical Study: Feasibility of Website Fingerprinting Attacks in Real-Time Environments on V3 Onion Services," 2025 IEEE 15th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, January 2025
    [pdf] [BibTeX]


  3. [J] Sooin Kim, Seonghyun Min, Won-gyum Kim, Donghoon Kim, and Doosung Hwang "Enhancing Deep Hashing With GCN-Based Models for Efficient Similarity Search," IEEE Access, vol. 12, December 2024
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  4. [C] Donghoon Kim, Andrew Booth, Olusegun Akinyemi, Euijin Choo, and Doosung Hwang, "Website Fingerprinting Attacks with Advanced Features on Tor Networks ," IEEE 4th Cyber Awareness and Research Symposium 2024 (CARS'24), Grand Forks, ND, USA, October 2024
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  5. [P] Donghoon Kim, Andrew Booth, Euijin Choo, and Doosung Hwang, "Poster: Advanced Features for Real-TimeWebsite Fingerprinting Attacks on Tor," The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 2024
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  6. [C] Donghoon Kim, Se-ran Jun, and Doosung Hwang, "Employing Machine Learning for the Prediction of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Phenotypes," IEEE SoutheastCon 2024, Atlanta, USA, March 2024
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  7. [C] Kyler Dickey, Doosung Hwang, and Donghoon Kim, "Analyzing Various Machine Learning Approaches for Detecting Android Malware," IEEE SoutheastCon 2024, Atlanta, USA, March 2024
    [pdf] [BibTeX]


  8. [C] Sooin Kim, Youngjin Jeon, Won-gyum Kim, Doosung Hwang, and Donghoon Kim, "Devised Deephashing Models through Self-supervised Learning for Image Retrieval," The 10th IEEE CSDE 2023, the Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering 2023, Yanuca Island, Fiji, December 2023
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  9. [C] Gavin Cooper, Se-ran Jun, Doosung Hwang, and Donghoon Kim, "Prediction of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Phenotypes using Machine Learning," IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2023), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania October, 2023
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  10. [C] Donghoon Kim, Doosung Hwang, "Enhanced Real-Time Fingerprinting Attacks on Tor Networks," UK-Korea Conference, Dallas, TX, August, 2023
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  11. [J] Jaeyoung Yang, Sooin Kim, Sangwoo Lee, Won-gyum Kim, Donghoon Kim, and Doosung Hwang "Robust Authentication Analysis of Copyright Images through Deep Hashing Models with Self-supervision," Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 29, no. 8 (2023), August 2023
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  12. [C] Emilio Soriano, Dilynn Stickland, Yuto Morishita, and Donghoon Kim, "String in Switch – Usage Analysis and Maintainability," The National Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, WI, April 2023
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  13. [C] Gavin Cooper and Donghoon Kim, "Android Malware Detection using Opcode on Machine Learning," The National Conference on Undergraduate Research, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, WI, April 2023
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  14. [P] Donghoon Kim, Olusegn Akinyemi, and Doosung Hwang, "A Comparative Study of Website fingerprinting attacks in V2 and V3 Onion Services of Tor Networks," the Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HotSoS) Symposium, April 2023
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  15. [J] Hyunjong Lee, Sooin Kim, Dongheon Baek, Donghoon Kim, and Doosung Hwang, "Robust IoT Malware Detection and Classification using Opcode Category Features on Machine Learning," in IEEE Access 11 (2023), doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3247344.
    [pdf] [BibTeX]


  16. [W] Sunghyun Moon, Youngho Kim, Hyunjong Lee, Donghoon Kim, and Doosung Hwang, "Evolved IoT Malware Detection using Opcode Category Sequence through Machine Learning," The 12th International Workshop on Security, Privacy, Trust for Internet of Things (IoTSPT) at the ICCCN 2022, July 2022
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  17. [P] Loc Ho, Jongwook Lee, Won-gyum Kim, Donghoon Kim and Doosung Hwang, "Poster: Improved Website Fingerprinting Attacks based on Tor Network Protocols," The 43rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P 2022 Posters), May 2022
    [pdf] [BibTeX]


  18. [J] Byunghyun Baek, SeoungYul Euh, Dongheon Baek, Donghoon Kim, and Doosung Hwang, "Histogram Entropy Representation and Prototype based Machine Learning Approach for Malware Family Classification," in IEEE Access, November 2021, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3127195 (Impact Factor: 4.098)
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  19. [P] Loc Ho, Young-Ho Kim, Won-gyum Kim, Donghoon Kim and Doosung Hwang, "A Pilot Study on Website Fingerprinting Vulnerability of Tor Onion Services & General Websites," the Hot Topics in the Science of Security (HotSoS) Symposium, April 2021
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  20. [P] Young-Ho Kim, Loc Ho, Won-gyum Kim, Donghoon Kim and Doosung Hwang, "Poster: A Pilot Study on Real-Time Fingerprinting for Tor Onion Services," The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2021, February 2021
    [pdf] [BibTeX]


  21. [C] Seoungyul Euh, Hyunjong Lee, Donghoon Kim, and Doosung Hwang, "Malware Detection with Low-dimensional Features," US-Korea Conference (UKC) 2020, December 2020
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  22. [C] Hyoungseok Oh, Donghoon Kim, Won-gyum Kim and Doosung Hwang, "Performance Analysis of Tor Website Fingerprinting over Time using Tree Ensemble Models," the 2020 International Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence (CSCI'20), December 2020 (Acceptance rate: 16%)
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  23. [C] Donghoon Kim and Loc Ho, "The Reaction of Open Source Projects to C++ Templates and Lambdas: An Empirical Replication Study," 2020 International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2020), July 2020 (Acceptance rate: 41%)
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  24. [J] Seoungyul Euh, Hyunjong Lee, Donghoon Kim, and Doosung Hwang, "Comparative Analysis of Low-dimensional Features and Tree-based Ensembles for Malware Detection Systems," in IEEE Access, April 2020, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2986014 (Impact Factor: 4.098)
    [pdf] [BibTeX]


  25. [C] Luke Sample and Donghoon Kim, "Search Prevention with Captcha against Web Indexing: A Proof of Concept," in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE), pp. 219-224. IEEE, 2019 (Acceptance rate: 25%)
    [pdf] [BibTeX]

  26. [C] Jongyeop Kim, Seongsoo Kim, Donghoon Kim, and Hong Liu, "Automated Configuration Parameter Classfication Model for Hive Query Plan on the Apache Yarn," 4th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science Engineering (BCD 2019), May 29-31, 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii [pdf] [BibTeX]

  27. [C] Nauman Jiwani, Ariana Garcia, Robert Hicks, and Donghoon Kim, "Analyzing Java Projects for String in Switch," CCSC Mid-South 2019, Seventeenth Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Mid-South Conference In Cooperation With ACM/SIGCSE, Little Rock, AR, April 2019

  28. [C] Luke Sample and Donghoon Kim, "Search Prevention using Captchas against Web Search Engine: A Proof of Concept," Hot Topic in the Science of Security Symposium (HotSoS 2019), Work-in-Progress and Work-already-Published (Wip/WaP) Session, April 2-3, 2019, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
  29. [J] Clayton Liddell and Donghoon Kim, "Analyzing the Adoption Rate of Local Variable Type Inference in Open-source Java 10 Projects," in Journal of the Arkansas Academy of Science, Volume 73, 2019 [pdf] [BibTeX]

  30. [P] John Davis, Takeru Koiwa, and Donghoon Kim, "Usage of Try-with-resources Language Feature in Java SE 7+: A Case Study," Undergraduate Research Posters at Arkansas State Capitol, Feb 2019

  31. 2018

  32. [C] Donghoon Kim and Jaehee Jung, "Improved Multiplication Algorithm by Clearing Leading Zeros of Binary Numbers based on Big Data Analysis," 19th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD 2018), Busan, South Korea, June 27 - June 29, 2018 [Link]
  33. [C] Beverly Boals Gilbert, Daniel Moix, Hung-Chi Su, E.T. Hammerand, and Donghoon Kim, "The Enhancement of Computational Thinking and Computer Science in the Middle Grades: A Research to Practitioner Approach with a Focus on Professional Development for Teachers of Middle Grades," Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE 2018), Washington, DC, March 26 - March 30, 2018
  34. [J] Donghoon Kim and Mladen A. Vouk, "A Formal Model Toward Scientific Workflow Security in a Cloud," Accepted to the International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC), 2018
  35. [P] Kyoosik Kim, Jordan Freier, Phat Nguyen, and Donghoon Kim, "The Analysis of Try-Catch Usage in Java Open Source Projects," Undergraduate Research Posters at Arkansas State Capitol, Feb 2018

  36. 2017

  37. [J] Donghoon Kim, Henry E. Schaffer, and Mladen A. Vouk, "About PaaS security," the International Journal of Cloud Computing (IJCC), Speical Issue on A Collaborative Community of Leaders: Cloud Computing in Education, Vol. 6 No. 4, p325-p341 2017
  38. [C] Cade Mcdougal, Brenda Staufer, John Reach, and Donghoon Kim, "The Evolution of Java Involving Lambda," CCSC: Mid-South 2017, Fifteenth Annual Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges Mid-South Conference In Cooperation With ACM/SIGCSE, Batesville, AR, April 2017
  39. [C] Christopher Saldivar, Clay Reddick, and Donghoon Kim, "The Adoption Rate of Lambda Expressions in Java Open Source Projects," 31st Annual National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Memphis, TN, April 2017
  40. [P] Christopher Saldivar, Clay Reddick, and Donghoon Kim, "The Adoption Rate of Lambda Expressions in Java Open Source Projects," Undergraduate Research Posters at Arkansas State Capitol, Feb 2017

  41. 2016

  42. [C] Donghoon Kim and Mladen A. Vouk, "A Formal Model Toward Scientific Workflow Security in a Cloud," The 4th International IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICA CON 2016)
  43. [C] Donghoon Kim and Mladen A. Vouk, "Assessing Run-time Overhead of Securing Kepler," The International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2016, Volume 80, 2016, Pages 2281-2286 [Link]

  44. 2015 & Before

  45. [C] Donghoon Kim and Mladen A. Vouk, "Securing Software Application Chains in a Cloud", The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS) conference, IEEE 2015 [Link]
  46. [C] Donghoon Kim and Mladen A. Vouk, "Securing Scientific Workflows", In Software Quality, Reliability and Security-Companion (QRS-C), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, pp. 95-104. IEEE, 2015 [Link]
  47. [C] Donghoon Kim, H.E. Schaffer, and Mladen A. Vouk, "PaaS Security Countermeasures: A Survey", 3rd International 2015 IBM Cloud Academy Conference (ICACON 2015), Budapest, Hungary [Link]
  48. [W] Donghoon Kim and Mladen A. Vouk, "A survey of common security vulnerabilities and corresponding countermeasures for SaaS", Globecom 2014 Workshop - The Second International Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA), 2014, pp 59-63, IEEE, 2014[Link]
  49. [J] Donghoon Kim and Gangman Yi, "Measuring Syntactic Sugar in Projects: An Empirical Study", Advances in Computer Science and its Applications Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering Volume 279, 2014, pp 279-284 [Link]
  50. [J] Donghoon Kim, Emerson Murphy-Hill, Chris Parnin, Christian Bird, and Ronald Garcia, "The Reaction of Open Source Projects to New Language Features: An Empirical Study of C# Generics", The Journal of Object Technology 2013, vol 12, no.4 pages 1-26 [Link]
  51. [C] Donghoon Kim, "Measuring Syntactic Sugar in Projects: An Empirical Study", Abstract version, The UKC (US-Korea Conference) 2013
  52. [C] K. Kharbas, Donghoon Kim, K. KC, T. Hoefler, and F. Mueller, "Assessing HPC Failure Detectors for MPI Jobs" in Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Computing, IEEE Feb 2012 [pdf]
  53. [T] K. Kharbas, Donghoon Kim, K. KC, T. Hoefler, and F. Mueller, "Failure Detection within MPI Jobs: Periodic Outperforms Sporadic", TR 2011-13, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, Jun 2011 [pdf]
  54. [W] Donghoon Kim, Y. Cho, C. Kim, S. Kim, S. Park, and T. Kang, "E-ITRC protocol with Long & Adjustable range on Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network", Third IEEE International Workshop on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks (held in conjunction with AINA-2007), Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, May 2007 [pdf]
  55. [C] Donghoon Kim, Y. Cho, C. Kim, S. Kim, and T. Kang, "Energy efficiency & Innovative Time Reduction Communication protocol on Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network", Special Session on Wireless Sensor Networks in the 22nd International Conference on Computer and Applications (CATA-2007), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Mar. 2007
  56. [C] Donghoon Kim, B. Kim, and M. Sun, "Routing-Friendly Dominating Set Construction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Proc. of Hawaii International Conference on Computer Science 2004
  57. [W] Donghoon Kim, B. Kim, and M. Sun, "A Simple Protocol for Dominating Set Construction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks", Proc. IEEE International Workshop on Applications of Ad Hoc Networks (held in conjunction with ICPP-2003), pp. 35-41, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2003 [Link]

Works in Progress

  1. Donghoon Kim "The relationship between Garbage collectoion algorithm and language feature usage: An Empirical Study"

PhD Dissertation at North Carolina State University

  1. Donghoon Kim "Securing Data Flows within Software Application Networks in Cloud Environments" [Link]