view from Monadnock  

"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like." (Lincoln)

line decor




error in agreement
AMB ambiguous (style is unclear, potential for misunderstanding
BS, GE be specific, give examples
colloq colloquial
def define, definition
eg, egs example(s)
ev evidence for the assertion (why should I believe you?)
frag fragment
K awkward construction
lc lower case
M more
NC not clear (content is not clear; style or argument is unclear

poss mistake in use of possessive
Q question posed in exercise or examination
R relevance (either irrelevant or relevance is not clear)
ref source, reference for information
rhe rhetoric (in the negative sense)
RIF Reading is Fundamental, failure to read or read well
ro run-on sentence
so source
sp spelling
sty style (not great)
UC upper case
W writing (not good)
wc word choice
^ and
~~~ something troubling, without further comment

dysfunctional bumper sticker



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