Question order: gambling
Suppose in 1994 you are surveying public opinion in Arkansas on the question of legalizing games of chance; given the following survey instructions and first question, you want to ask about specific types og gaming--casino games, a state lottery, and bingo games run by non-profit organizations--
For some questions in this survey, I am going to ask you to tell me how you feel on a 1-to-9 scale about some statement. I'd like you to say 1 if you strongly disagree, 5 if you neither disagree nor agree, or 9 if you strongly agree. You can answer by saying number 1 or number 9, or any number in between, however you feel. The higher the number, the more you agree. If you don't know how you feel about a statement, or would rather not say, or if you have no opinion, you can tell me that instead. For example, what would you say to this statement:
03.When people ask where I live, I'm proud to say Arkansas. {Interviewers should confirm respondent's understanding of 1-to-9 format, and then provide a bit of encouragement.}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DK RF
OK, how about this statement--
I would favor changing the Arkansas constitution to allow...
In what order should you ask about the three types of games? Does it matter?
Source: Harding, Levenbach, & Talmadge (1994), June 1994 Arkansas Gambling Survey.