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  Research Group

   Secure & Scalable Systems Laboratory (SSS)

  Research Interests

   Generally, the research interests lie in fields of Parallel and Distributed Systems,Computer & Network Security, High Performance Computing & Networking, and Modeling & Simulation. Particularly, the current focus is on :

   Cloud, Grid, Peer-to-Peer,and Cluster Computing

   GPU and Heterogeneous Computing

   High Performance Computing

   Computation Migration and Checkpointing

   Computer and Network Security

   Current Research Topics

 Secure Storage

 Virtual Machines

 Cloud Computing Platforms

 GPU-based High Performance Computing


National Science
              Foundation - Where Discoveries Begin

              State University - Jonesboro
Protech Solutions,

   Graduate (Master's) Theses

 Aaron Wilkin (2007):  Aggregate Data Representation for Heterogeneous Computing

 Ruipeng Li (2008):  Data Sharing and Synchronization Issues in Parallelizing Scientific Applications

 Chonglei Mei (2010):  Computation and Data Management in Distributed Systems

 Feng Shen (2011):  A Secure File System with Scalability and Reliability Features on Distributed Storage Devices

 Zhu Wang (2011):  On Portability and Scalability Issues in Heterogeneous Computing

 Su Chen (2012):  GPU-based High Performance Computing

 Hsuan-Hsiu Ou (2012):  .NET High Performance Computing

 Yi Chen (2013):  GPU-based MapReduce Schemes for Big Data Processing

 Yulu Zhang (2013):  A Checkpoint/Restart Scheme for CUDA Applications with Complex Memory Hierarchy

 Jie Zhu (2014):  GPU-In-Hadoop: MapReduce on Distributed Heterogeneous Platforms

 Tianyu Bai (2014):  Analysis and Acceleration of NTRU Lattice-Based Cryptographic System

 Xinyuan Guo (2014):  GPU Computation Checkpoint/Restart Scheme with Application-Level Stacks

 Zhi Qiao (2014):  MR-Tree: A Customizable GPU MapReduce Framework

 Harshit Gupta (2015):  Three-Tier MapReduce

 Shuwen Liang (2015):  A Cloud Storage System based on Parallelized CP-ABE

 Lifeng Li (2017):  Security, Computation and Data Issues in Clouds

 Kai Fan (2019):  GPU Acceleration of Ciphertext-Policy Attributed-Based Encryption

 Debrath Banerjee (2019):  Blockchain in Internet of Things (IoT)

 Ruiwen Shan (2020):  Three-tier Storage System based on Fog Computing

 Hexuan Yu (2021):  An SGX-Based and Quantum-Resistant Secure Cloud Storage System

 Chaoyu Zhang (2021):  SHARCS: Secure Hierarchical Adaptive Reliable Cloud Storage Systems

 Mitchell Clay (2021):  Dynamic Wireless Sensor Network Simulation

   Undergraduate Honor Thesis

 Jon Calhoun (2012):  Preemption of a CUDA Kernel Function

   Undergraduate Research

 Ronando King (2008):  CSPA: An Adder Faster Than Carry-Lookahead, published in PDPTA'08

 Jon Calhoun & Josh Graham (2011):  On Using a Graphics Processing Unit to Solve the Closest Substring Problem, published in PDPTA'11

 Spencer Davis & Erikson Hardesty (2011):  Towards Utilizing Remote GPUs for CUDA Program Execution, published in PDPTA'11

 Jon Calhoun (2012):  Preemption of a CUDA Kernel Function, published in SNPD'12

   Previous Research Projects

 SCC: State-Carrying Code

 ADR: Aggregated Data Representation

 RBG: Parallel and Distributed  Simulation of Many-Particle Collision Systems

 MigThread: Heterogeneous Process/Thread Migration and Checkpointing

 ADAM: A Distributed Adaptively-shared Memory System

 Strings: Software Distributed Shared Memory

 APE4NOW: Automatic Parallelization Environment for Networks of Workstations

 HPCA: High Performance Computing Applications