Inorganic Chemistry |
Experiment 1 |
Spring 2025 |
Surfing the Internet
Some of you have done a version of this experiment in Descriptive; for others
this will be new. An important tool for scientists is the world wide web,
but we must be able to obtain useful information from the web. There are
many sites and search engines and not all contain the same information. The
assignment for this lab is to search the Web using four search engines (i.e, Google, Infoseek, Excite,
Bing, Webcrawler, Yahoo, etc.), search the Ingenta site, to enter the NIST data base and search the
ACS page.
Search Engines
Using Internet Explorer, use any four search engines of your choice. You
must use the following:
Do a search on the four engines (two of your choice) using the same word. The word you search is up to you. It does not have to be science oriented. After the search is complete, make sure you summarize the results of the search in your lab report (see details for write-up below).
SciFinder and Google Scholar
You will need to register for SciFinder. This is done by going to the ASU Library's web site (under data bases).
Once into the SciFinder website,
you are to do a word and an author search. These are two separate searches. Each person will have a separate word and
author. You are to search:
Word |
Author |
Dawn |
thiophene |
Kanatzidis |
You can enter Google Scholar at the following address:
into the Google Scholar website, search your assigned word and author.
Write up your results of the searches and briefly describe the information given for a typical "hit".
Data off of the Web
Enter the NIST Chemistry Webbook data base:
a compound off of this data base that you want to see. Once the compound has
been loaded, print a spectrum for the compound (IR, MS, etc.) for your lab
Enter the Spectral Database for Organic Compounds, SDBS:
a compound off of this data base that you want to see. Once the compound has
been loaded, print a spectrum for the compound (IR, MS, etc.) for your lab
American Chemical Society
Find the national ACS web page and go to the student
affiliate page. On this page is a listing of ACS webpages for various
universities and colleges. Tell how many different schools have webpages
listed here and look at any 3 and briefly describe them. For the ACS
webpages, give the web address for each.
Web searchpage:
answer the following questions:
Who is Venkatraman Ramakrishnan?
What year did
Henry Taube win the Nobel Prize?
Who won the first
Nobel Prize in Chemistry?
The report must follow the guidelines on the Lab Report page.
The report will be due by 5:00 pm on Friday, Feb. 7, 2025. This lab will
be worth 20 points of your lab grade. No late
reports will be accepted. Note: do not wait until the day
before the lab report is due to start the experiment.
Revised 1/24/25