Inorganic Chemistry 

 Experiment 8

Spring 2025

Description: Description: Description: Description: C:\Users\mdraganj\Documents\draganjac_files\ax5e.gif

 Synthesis of and 10Dq Calculations for a Series of Chromium Complexes

You will be working in groups of two:

In this experiment, we will prepare the compounds described in Angelici's Synthesis and Technique in Inorganic Chemistry with slight modification.  Run the visible spectra for each of the compounds and calculate the 10Dq values for each.
Write up
Each person must submit a separate lab report.  Only the experimental section may be the same in each report.    The lab report should be completed by 5:00 pm Friday, April 25, 2025.  This experiment is worth 20 points of your lab grade. No late reports will be accepted.

The report must follow the guidelines on the Lab Report page and should include the following information:

Introduction: Brief summary of the experiment stating the purpose of the experiment.

Experimental: List work that you have done. DO NOT copy the instructions directly from the lab book.

Results:  Give experimental results (data) obtained from the experiments.  Include spectra.

Discussion: Discuss the experiment from preparation to results.  You may want to support your conclusions with references.  References should be clearly documented.    Calculate the 10Dq values for each of the compounds and compare to the 10Dq values determined experimentally from the spectra. You need to have a table showing both the wavelength values and 10Dq values from the calculations from theory and experimental data.  Most of the grade will depend on this section.

CHEM4204 Experiment list