Cottone, C.B., A. L. Salanski, T. McKay and C.D. Steelman. 2014. Molecular detection of Campylobacter spp. and Ecoli O157:H7 carried by filth flies (Diptera: Muscidae) associated with turkey production facilities. Midsouth Entomologist 7:1-7.
Chiavacci, S., J. C. Bednarz and T. McKay. 2014. The emergence densities of annual cicadas increase with sapling density and are greater near edges in a bottomland hardwood forest. Environmental Entomology 43: 859-867.
Wang, D., D. D. Bowman, H. Brown, L.C. Harrington, P.E. Kaufman, T. McKay, C. T. Nelson, J. L. Sharp and R. Lund. 2014. Factors influencing U.S. canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) prevalence. Parasites & Vectors 7:264.
McKay, T., K. Yanowitz, A. Ross and S. Vanderpool. 2014. Don't swat that fly! Using house flies in the inquiry classroom. Science Scope 37: 22-28.
McKay, T., T. Bianco, L. Rhodes and S. Barrnet. 2013. Prevalence of Dirofilaria immitis (Nematoda: Filarioidea) in mosquitoes from northeast Arkansas, USA. Journal of Medical Entomology 50: 871-878.
Brown, H., L. Harrington, P.E. Kaufman, T. McKay, D.D. Bowman, C.T. Nelso, D. Wang and R. Lind. 2012. Key factors influencing canine heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis, in the United States. Parasites & Vectors 5: 245.
Gaspar, J., T. McKay, and M. Huss. 2012. First report of Aedes japonicus in natural and artifical habitats in northeast Arkansas. JOurnal of the AMerican Mosquito Control Association 28: 38-42.
Fiene, J. G., M. B. Connior, R. Androw, B. Baldwin and T. McKay. 2011. Surveys of Arkansas dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae): Phenologies, mass occurrences, state and distributional records. American Midland Naturalist 165: 319-337.
Yanowitz, K. L., T. McKay, C. A. Ross and S. S. Vanderpool. 2010. CSI: Creating Student (and teacher) investigators: Using popular culture in professional development. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 18: 263-283.
McKay, T. and T. Herman. 2008. Thermoregulation in three species of damselflies (Odonata: Lestidae), with notes on temporal distribution and microhabitat use. Odonatologica 37 (1): 29-39.
Milanovich, J. R., S. E. Trauth and T. McKay. 2008. Diet of the western slimy salamander Plethodon albagula (Caudata: Plethodontidae), from two mountain ranges in Arkansas. Southeastern Naturalist 7 (2): 323-330.
McKay, T. and A. B. Broce. 2008. Host size and oviposition site effects on the sex ratio of the pupal parasitoid Muscidifurax zaraptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America 101 (3): 650-655.
McKay. T, C. D. Steelman, S. M. McElroy, and A. L. Szalanski. 2007. Sustained Mass Release of Pupal Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) for Control of Hydrotaea aenescens and Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) in Broiler-Breeder Poultry Houses in Arkansas. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 24: 67-85.
Dry, F., D. C. Steinkraus, C. D. Steelman, R. W. McNew and T. McKay. 2007. Survey of parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) of house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae from broiler-breeder poultry houses in Northwest Arkansas. Biocontrol Science and Technology 17 (7): 757-763.
McElroy, S. M., A. L. Szalanski, T. McKay, A. J. Bermudez, C. B. Owens, and C. D. Steelman. 2005. Molecular assay for the detection of Cochlosoma anatis in house flies and turkey specimens by polymerase chain reaction. Veterinary Parasitology 127: 165-168.
Szalanski, A. L., C. B. Owens, T. McKay, and C. D. Steelman. 2004. Detection of Campylobacter sp., and Escherichia coli O157:H7 from filth flies by polymerase chain reaction. Medical and Veterinary Entomology 18:241-246.