General Chemistry I

section 6 CRN11962


Spring 2025


Dr. Draganjac 

LSW549 Office 

LSW542 Lab


LSW534 Lab 


Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:


8:00 – 9:15 TR




Office hours: 10:00 – 10:50 MTWRF (Others by appointment)

Text:   no text

Tests:         6 exams             (600 points total)

Grading is straight percentages:  90+, A; 80-89.999, B; 70-79.999, C; 60-69.999, D; Below 60, F.

Makeup Exams: Makeup exams will be given at the end of the semester.  Makeup exams are only given if you miss an exam for any reason.  I do not drop the lowest test score and I do not replace the lowest score with the final.  If you do not feel you are prepared to take an exam, you can always take a makeup exam.

CHEM 1013. General Chemistry I Study of chemical reactions and equations, periodic rela­tionships, the gaseous state, and the fundamentals of atomic theory, quantum theory, electronic structure, chemical bonding, stoichiometry and thermochemistry. Special course fees may apply. Prerequisite, MATH 1023 or ACT composite score of 23 or higher. Prior completion of CHEM 1003 or high school chemistry strongly recommended.

General Education Goal

Students should understand how science is conducted and the criteria for scientific evidence so that they will be able to make informed decisions about the health and well-being of their communities and the natural environment.  They should be aware of the ethical and political issues raised by science. 


General Education Student Learning Outcome

Students will be able to apply foundational knowledge of the various sciences to make informed decisions.


Exams will be given after each of the following units:




Atoms, Molecules and Ions, Nomenclature, classes of reactions


Stoichiometry Review


Types of Reactions: Acid/base, Redox, Thermochemistry


Atomic and Electronic Structure; Periodicity


Chemical Bonding; Molecular Structure


Gases, Gas Laws

Final exam: Tuesday, May 6, 10:15 am. Room TBA.  ALL chemistry exams are given at this time. The final is not comprehensive.

Federal Law prohibits discussion of your grade with anyone.  Also grades cannot be given by e-mail or over the phone.

The use of graphing calculators or calculators with extended memory is not allowed on exams. The calculator must be able to do scientific notation, multiple roots and natural logarithms. Cell phone calculators will not be allowed.

Students are responsible for the names and symbols for the elements (element list).  Students are also responsible for knowing the ions posted on the web (list of ions).

Students who require academic adjustments in the classroom due to a disability must first
register with ASU Access and Accommodation Services.  Following registration and within the first two
weeks of class, please contact me to discuss appropriate academic accommodation.
Appropriate arrangements can be made to ensure equal access to this course.

Tutoring: Tutoring is available at the SMART Center (LSW530).




Useful links:


study guides

old exams

cation/anion list

Draganjac Home Page

Revised 1/6/25