
I made my first chair when I was five, but the quality of the wood was wanting. As a master wood craftsman, I won Best Chair award in the 2012 Indiana Fine Woodworking Association Woodworking Awards. A great many people I know have never used a hammer. They would say they have been spared the discomfort of hammering a nail into a fence board; I would counter that they have never felt the button-bursting pride of building a fence.

But hey, I am a tool guy. I won't even wear flip-flops when I am driving, because when something goes wrong, like a flat tire, I want sturdy shoes so I can hop out and use the necessary tools. This is not a burden. Dirtying my hands is not a bummer. The ability to use implements to improve is a bona fide superpower. It is my duty to put that power to use.